This 1 MILLION-Acre Plot In Argentina Is On The Market For $9.6 Million

Publish date: 2024-08-13

Buyers looking for some room to stretch out -- look no further.

A whopping 989,000-acre estate just went on the market in western Argentina near the Chilean border (Daily Mail via Curbed).

At that size, it's three times the size of Hong Kong and the largest plot of land ever to go on sale, the Daily Mail reports.

The plot, which is suitable for winemaking, is listed at $9.6 million. It's already attracting interest from prospective buyers in Europe, according to the Daily Mail.


At around $10 an acre, it's actually quite a bargain.

The estate, called the Estancia Punta del Agua, has not been farmed in 25 years, but it's estimated to be 60% arable.

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