Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation Announces Grants Totaling $1.275 Million for Nursing-Driven Innovatio

Publish date: 2024-07-08

NEW YORK, Nov. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation (RAHF) is announcing grants totaling $1,275,000 to support innovative, nurse-driven healthcare programs serving vulnerable populations, including four awards for interventions focused on mitigating health disparities exacerbated by COVID-19.

“2020 has laid bare the deep inequities that plague our nation’s healthcare system,” said Ahrin Mishan, Executive Director of the Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation. “We remain steadfast in our commitment to promoting bold, new initiatives that seek to build a healthier, more just future for all.”

Supporting Early-Stage Ideas to Fuel Innovation
The RAHF awards include three grants in the Hillman Emergent Innovation (HEI) Program and four in the Hillman Serious Illness and End of Life Emergent Innovation (HSEI) Program, which launched in 2018. In addition, the foundation made four grants specifically to improve care for vulnerable populations hit hard by the pandemic, including an HSEI grant to Brigham and Women’s Hospital to improve outreach for serious illness conversations in the time of COVID-19, and a special award to the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) to improve care for racial and ethnic minorities in long-term care facilities.

Both the HEI and HSEI programs support early-stage (pre-evidence or untested) innovations that target vulnerable populations, including groups that are economically disadvantaged, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, people experiencing homelessness, rural populations, and others.

“While the Hillman Foundation has long recognized the critical work of nurses, the pandemic has brought their importance to light,” said Rachael Watman, RAHF Vice President of Programs. “We are privileged to work with nurses who use insight, innovation, and ingenuity to improve care for people in need—especially now.”

Addressing COVID-19, Fewer Maternal Deaths, More Inclusive Telehealth, Better Nurse-Patient Matching
The following projects represent some of this year’s exciting nursing innovation grantees. (For a complete list, please visit the foundation’s website.)

About the Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation
The Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation’s mission is to improve the lives of patients and their families through nursing-driven innovation. To this end, the foundation cultivates nurse leaders, supports nursing research, and disseminates new models of care that are critical to making the U.S. healthcare system more patient-centered, accessible, equitable, and affordable. The foundation’s goal is to leverage the power of nursing’s unique knowledge to ensure that the healthcare system can deliver the high-quality care patients need and deserve. For more information, please visit www.rahf.org.

Media Contact
Linda Le, Vice President of Operations, the Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation (innovationsincare@rahf.org)
