November 19 Horoscope and Zodiac
Your sign's outright planetary ruler is Pluto, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a solid helping of the Moon's planetary power. Pluto is the planet of transformation and subsequently, is responsible for your pursuit of power and determination. On the other side, it is the Moon, being the planet of sensitivity, that explains for your nurturing and compassionate nature. Your unique planetary influences combine to make you more caring than the other Scorpio Decan. Your parent-like tendency to nurture is quite unmatched, except in the realm of love, where you may be even more dedicated to maintaining the strength of the relationship. Although you deal out a good helping of emotional support, you may be more tentative about accepting it. You're easily hurt by others and should open up to allow others to help you heal your wounds.