Ikea Pulls Its Moose Lasagna After Finding Traces Of Pork

Publish date: 2024-06-21

STOCKHOLM (AP) — Ikea says it has withdrawn 17,000 portions of moose lasagna from its home furnishings stores in Europe after traces of pork were found in a batch tested in Belgium.

Ikea spokeswoman Tina Kardum said the product had only been on sale for a month when it was pulled off the shelves on March 22.

The company didn't announce the withdrawal publicly until Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet wrote about it Saturday.

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Kardum said the company found out Friday that a follow-up test in Belgium confirmed the lasagna contained 1.6 percent pork. She said: "We have more information now. That's why we choose to inform now."

Ikea has previously recalled meatballs and other meat products sold in its cafeterias and frozen foods sections after tests showed they contained traces of horsemeat.
