Genky DrugStores Stock Price | Stock Quote, News, and History

Publish date: 2024-07-16
Dividend Yield (in %)0.43 %0.41 %0.44 %0.48 %0.48 %
P/E Ratio15.1915.7514.6614.1413.59
Net Profit-6,6867,1827,4007,700
Net Profit Adjusted-----
Pre-Tax Profit-9,75510,55510,90011,400
Net Profit (Adjusted)-9,91010,810--
EPS (Non-GAAP) ex. SOE-----
EPS (GAAP)-----
Gross Income-41,00044,400--
Cash Flow from Investing--395-425--
Cash Flow from Operations-12,97413,770--
Cash Flow from Financing--395-425--
Cash Flow per Share-490.50533.30--
Free Cash Flow-9742,770--
Free Cash Flow per Share-----
Book Value per Share-1,740.701,976.60--
Net Debt-----
Research & Development Exp.-----
Capital Expenditure-12,00011,000--
Selling, General & Admin. Exp.-31,50034,000--
Shareholder’s Equity-52,87460,040--
Total Assets-122,313131,989--
 Previous Quarter
ending 06/30/24
Current Quarter
ending 09/30/24
Next Quarter
ending 12/31/24
Current Year
ending 06/30/25
Next Year
ending 06/30/26
Earnings Estimates
No. of Analysts---33
Average Estimate---218.667 JPY234.983 JPY
Year Ago---208.184 JPY-
Publish Date-----
Revenue Estimates
No. of Analysts---33
Average Estimate---201,210 JPY217,091 JPY
Year Ago---184,860 JPY-
Publish Date-----

* Average Estimates in Million (e.g. Revenue) or per share (e.g. Dividend). Source: FactSet

2024Genky DrugStores12.750.46JPY
2023Genky DrugStores12.500.59JPY
2022Genky DrugStores12.500.79JPY
2021Genky DrugStores12.500.67JPY
2020Genky DrugStores12.500.74JPY
2019Genky DrugStores12.500.98JPY
2018Genky DrugStores12.500.58JPY
2017Genky DrugStores11.25-JPY
2016Genky DrugStores15.00-JPY
2015Genky DrugStores30.00-JPY
2014Genky DrugStores25.00-JPY
2013Genky DrugStores50.00-JPY
2012Genky DrugStores50.00-JPY
2011Genky DrugStores40.00-JPY
2010Genky DrugStores35.00-JPY
2009Genky DrugStores3,000.00-JPY

*Yield of the Respective Date

Genky DrugStores Co., Ltd. operates as a holding company which provides the management of its group companies that is engaged in the management of drug stores. The company manages discount drugstores, retail of medicines, cosmetics, miscellaneous goods, foods and others. It also develops and sells its own Genky brand of products through its EC (E-Commerce) site. The company was founded in April 1988 and is headquartered in Sakai, Japan.


Moody’s Daily Credit Risk Score is a 1-10 score of a company’s credit risk, based on an analysis of the firm’sbalance sheet and inputs from the stock market. The score provides a forward-looking, one-year measure of creditrisk, allowing investors to make better decisions and streamline their work ow. Updated daily, it takes intoaccount day-to-day movements in market value compared to a company’s liability structure.

Ownerin %
Fujinaga Family37.39
Orbis Investment Management Ltd.6.13
ellerose Co., Ltd.5.16
Fidelity Low Priced Stock Fund3.15
Genky Stores Employee Stock Ownership Plan2.45
Kenichi Fujinaga2.36
Genky DrugStores Co., Ltd.1.94
Genky Stores Business Association1.94
Hitomi Fujinaga1.38
Nomura Asset NEXT FUNDS TOPIX ETF (1306)0.88
Nikko Asset Listed Index TOPIX ETF (1308)0.86
Daiwa Asset iFreeETF TOPIX (Yearly Dividend Type) (1305)0.80
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund0.76

Shareholder percentage totals can add to more than 100% because some holders are included in the free float.
