9 foods that are surprisingly bad for IBS
If you're living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS, as it's more often called), you're not alone. Statistics show that IBS is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder, with worldwide prevalence rates of 10-15%. And that doesn't even cover it: experts say that only 30% of people with symptoms of IBS consult a physician, meaning there are tons of undiagnosed cases out there.
Those who know they have it also know that eating can be confusing, frustrating, and painful. Figuring out a diet that works for you and doesn't cause uncomfortable IBS symptoms can take a lot of practice and patience, because treatment is different for everyone. As someone who has been living with IBS for most of her adult life, I can tell you that learning what works and doesn't work for you is a slow process of trial and error.
That said, there are certain trigger foods that are almost always worse than others. Some foods are really bad for IBS in general, and if you're trying to get your symptoms under control, avoiding them is a great starting point.
Most whole grains
Products made with gluten may trigger IBS symptoms, especially whole grains. Certain grains, like rye, wheat, and barley, can be difficult to digest, which causes symptoms like bloating and diarrhea. Personally, I find that eating anything whole wheat or multi-grain is really bad for my symptoms — I can eat white bread, but not wheat.
However, whole grains can go one of two ways with IBS: while some people can’t tolerate them, others actually find that they aid in the constipation that can be a symptom, according to WebMD. In this case, it’s important to remember that you need to listen to your body on what works or doesn’t work for you.
Garlic and onions
Many people with IBS follow the FODMAP diet, which is a list of foods that include either soluble or insoluble fiber (insoluble fiber is generally bad for IBS). Garlic and onions are two of the top offenders, according to this diet. They can both be difficult for your intestines to break down, which causes gas. This is especially true for uncooked garlic and onions, which can cause painful gas and cramping.
Green peppers
If you love eating peppers, you’re better off sticking to red ones, according to Forkly. Green peppers are harder to digest and can cause bad bloating and stomach pain. Red peppers are more ripe, and can be easier for a lot of people to digest.
When you have IBS, you want to avoid eating a ton of fiber (especially insoluble fiber), according to Everyday Health, because it takes longer to digest and makes you have to go to the bathroom more. Corn is, unfortunately, high in both fiber and sugar (sugar also isn’t great for you). Removing it from your diet can help with painful bloating.
Fruit is definitely tough for anyone who has IBS. It contains the sugar fructose, which is known to cause many issues in the gut, according to The Cleveland Clinic. Fructose is especially high in apples and pears. It’s also pretty high in watermelon, dried fruit, and fruit juice. If you want to continue eating fruit, ditch the apples, and focus on low-fructose fruits, like bananas, citrus, grapes, and berries.
Fruit isn’t the only kind of food that contains a lot of fructose — certain vegetables, like asparagus, do as well. In fact, asparagus has a particularly high fructose content compared to other veggies, and also contains fructans. Both can make IBS symptoms worse.
Avocados are super healthy and delicious - and, unfortunately, they can be a nightmare for someone with IBS. According to the FODMAP diet, small amounts of avocado are okay, but any large serving sizes can be tricky. The more avocado you have, the more sorbitol you’ll ingest, which can contribute to IBS symptoms. They can also contain a lot of fiber, which could be difficult to digest.
Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts are another veggie that are high in fructose and should be avoided. They can ferment bacteria inside the intestines that can cause really painful IBS symptoms.
I have personally found that two of the worst vegetables for my IBS are broccoli and cauliflower. Now, of course, this (along with any other item on this list) could be different for some. But in general, cruciferous vegetables like these are super hard to digest and are known IBS triggers.
The most important thing to remember is, again, figuring out the right diet for your IBS is all about trial and error. What triggers symptoms in some may be fine for others, and vice versa. If you’re feeling confused, always reach out to your doctor.
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